Standard American Diet (SAD). This is the fastest path to disease & dysfunction. It can even cause things like ADD, ADHD & Behavioral problems. We're going to show you EXACTLY how to escape this toxic, pro-inflammatory, & dangerous approach!
Dr. Masters will "unpack" what what he calls functional food testing! This will help you identify "healthy" foods that my actually be causing CONSTIPATION & provide objective clarity! No more guesswork about what to feed your chld!
Struggling with getting your child to EAT RIGHT? A limited diet is an indicator you're child is nutrient depleted. We're going to show you exactly where they are deficient and show you how to fill in the gaps!
It is next to impossible to have a healthy colon when your child is toxic, inflamed & have cell damage! We're going to breakdown cell health & why it's very hard to get healthy when your cells are in trouble!
And Not Even Your Pediatrician Knows!
I'm going to walk through the main drivers of cellular inflammation & cellular toxicity which makes it next to impossible to help your child eliminate constipation!
I'm going to teach you a little known method that helps your child's brain to "talk" to your child's colon and getting working again. When you apply these methods, you will improve your child's health..and SOLVE their constipation puzzle once and for all!
Dr. Blair Masters
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